Activate WhatsApp
for a more human customer relation.

Marketing campaigns now more than 95% open

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Exemple de conversation possible avec vos clients, avec des boutons personnalisés

Make your CRM grow on WhatsApp

Faites grandir votre CRM sur WhatsApp

Repensez vos campagnes

Utilisez WhatsApp pour vos paniers abandonnés, retours en stocks, ventes privées et récupérer du feedback sans effort !

Boostez vos ventes

Proposez des recommandations de produits personnalisées grâce à nos multiples intégrations à vos outils existants (Klaviyo, Shopify...)

Engagez votre communauté

Répondez en quelques clics à vos clients grâce à nos intégrations. 
WhatsApp offre des taux d'ouverture et de clics 20x supérieurs aux mails.

Rethink your campaigns

Use WhatsApp for your abandoned carts, back in stocks, private sales and get effortless feedback!

See examples
Exemple de popup d'opt-in utilisé pour collecter les numéros whatsapp de vos clients

Boost your sales

Offer personalized product recommendations thanks to our multiple integrations with your existing tools (Shopify, Klaviyo...)

Engage your community

Answer your customers in just a few clicks thanks to our integrations. WhatsApp offers 20x higher click-through rates than email.

Easily collect opt-ins from your customers

Build and automate personalized flows to collect customer opt-ins, while preserving your brand identity.

Let your creativity shine and create campaigns in seconds thanks to our flow editor 

Create customized campaigns with easy-to-use flows. Generate revenue by automating your campaigns, sales and after-sales service, thanks to our multiple integrations with your existing tools.

Interact with your customers from our interface

Keep an eye on your customers' history and provide them with targeted answers in just 2 clicks.

Calculate your ROI from your dashboard

Track your audience at a glance.
Evaluate your campaigns' performance.
Refine your CRM segmentation.

Our customers' results speak for themselves!

Yes, it sounds crazy! And yet it's so easy to set up : Simio enables you activate WhatsApp as a new revenue channel.
Open rate
Click-through rate
Recovered abandoned carts

WhatsApp  & Klaviyo : top strategies in the playbook

Get my free guide !

20 pages of expert WhatsApp marketing tips, use cases from our top brands with a 50x ROI, and the method to boost your e-commerce revenue !

About Simio

The future of customer relations and commerce is deeply conversational.

Graduates of HEC Paris and Centrale Paris, we are building and developing Simio from Station F, supported by the HEC Paris Incubator and Agoranov.
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Some questions still remain? 

Will customers agree to receive communications?

Collecting opt-ins is essential for any successful WhatsApp campaign.

Once your customer has agreed to receive communications via WhatsApp, we recommend that you collect a "double optin" directly in WhatsApp.

We know that your customers are looking for an appropriate channel that perfectly targets their preferences and allows them to have more direct interactions with you. In fact, 80% of customers say they have already bought a product after interacting with a salesperson.

Request a demo to find out more about Simio!

What are the differences with email campaigns? What about SMS campaigns?

Is Simio compatible with all e-commerce merchants?

At Simio, we work with all types of ecommerce businesses.

Does Simio offer personalized support?

Included in the platform subscription, Simio support is intended for all our customers. More personalized support is reserved for our premium customers.
